Tuesday, February 2, 2010



As Andrew Murray has written:
"The Old Covenant was meant to teach the lesson of the absolute necessity of obedience for a life in Gods favor.
The New Covenant comes not to provide a substitute for that obedience in faith, but through faith to secure the obedience by giving a heart that delights in it & has the power for it."

We need the indwelling Holy Spirit to keep His Commandments. Obedience is still very much an essential. Obedience is still very much essential! And obedience is the very root of our relationship between us & God.

Romans 1:5
through who we have received grace & apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name.

Philemon :21
Having confidence in your obedience. I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I say.

Hebrews 5:8
though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.

1 Peter 1:2
elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience & sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ:

God provided for us in the New Covenant for obedience. And to live the full life in Christ & to experience the New Covenant blessing. So, obedience is essential, so surrender all to God. To obey God in everything! Obedience gives us a good conscience & to be confidence before God.

Obedience is Possible
God does expect us to our very best. Obedience is doing what is known to be Gods Will. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit & conscience will not lead us contrary to the mind of God.

Obedience is of Faith
People of the Bible from Abraham to Paul obeyed by faith, the promises of the Covenants both Old & New. With that same faith we believe that Jesus & the Holy Spirit is there to HELP us. Also, God has written His laws upon our hearts. This power is with-in us. And believe by faith. Only BELIEVE!

Obedience is Blessedness
Obedience is for joy & happiness. What a blessing to have the voice of God guiding & teaching us. To be able to please Him & be in His Will. Ask God, by the Holy Spirit to show you how. We have been made NEW by Jesus Christ.

The New Covenant gives us security that God gives Himself & to make Himself known. He has taken possession of us as our Holy God So walk in confidence & OBEY GOD,

Lord, open our eyes so we can see. We need your loving touch to be able to see it all; to obey your laws, to know your joy, your happiness, & your love for us. Open our eyes that we may see the truth of obedience & your grace. To be all you ask us to be. To obey you & walk as your child. God, have the Holy Spirit to teach us your word & your will. To be able to obey you & to give ourselves to you, that we may enter into your entire obedience. To show us the fullness of your truth & what the true spiritual life is!


Keep your eyes fixed upon Him. Keep your eyes upon His word & to show the great blessing of the New Covenant by our obedience to you.
This is the beginning of your blessing; to be in the likeness of Christ your Son.
In Christ Name. Amen

Rev. Londa

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