Friday, December 11, 2009



I have sent a letter to Planned Parenthood challenging them to tell you and every American taxpayer just how much they stand to gain from the health care bill and federal funding for abortion.

Planned Parenthood is the world's largest abortion provider, with an annual budget in excess of $1 billion - that's right, $1 billion - and posted an $85 million profit last year. Planned Parenthood also received $350 million in federal funding in 2007.

The number of federal government "bailouts" of private businesses over the past year is bad enough - but forcing American citizens to finance the abortion industry under the guise of "health care" cannot be accepted. The taking of human life is not health care. That's why Americans United for Life is fighting back against abortion lobbyists in the U.S. Senate. Will you join our fight today?

You can help prevent the tragedy of a dramatic increase of abortions in America -- funded by your tax dollars! Please follow this secure link right away to make a contribution of $50, $100, $250 or more to support our fight against federal funds being used to take innocent lives.

Every year, well over 1,000,000 children lose their lives through abortion in America. For decades, existing federal law has prohibited the use of taxpayer funds from paying for abortions. But now a radical change would take place if the Democrat's health care bill becomes law, our government would force pro-life taxpayers to pay for abortions.

Senate Democrats are perilously close to passing a health care bill that does not include language prohibiting federal funding of abortion; in fact, it explicitly includes federal funding for abortions and for insurance plans that include abortion coverage. If this version of the bill passes, there's virtually no way the final version will protect life when it is signed into law by President Obama.

We worked with pro-life Senators to have a mirror version of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment included in the Senate bill. But pro-abortion Senators like Barbara Boxer, Claire McCaskill, and others who have publicly stated the bill will not pass with any pro-life language prevailed and killed the pro-life amendment that would have maintained existing law preventing taxpayer funds from being used for abortion.

The abortion industry does not need a government bailout! I cannot think of a greater, more important fight than to keep taxpayer funds away from the abortion industry. I can't even imagine how many more children will be killed each year if we allow our tax-dollars to be used to end innocent lives.

We must continue this fight and get this message out to as many people as possible. Please follow this link immediately to give as generously as you can, then forward this message to friends, family, colleagues - everyone you know.

We are not powerless in this fight. We can choose to have our dollars used to protect life, not end it. So I hope I can count on your support today.

For Life,
Charmaine Yoest Charmaine
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO

P.S. Well over 1,000,000 innocent lives are ended by abortions each year, and now the U.S. Senate is dangerously close to passing a health care bill that will allow our federal tax dollars to fund more abortions. Please follow this link today and make a contribution of $50, $100, $250 or more to Americans United for Life so we can continue our work to prevent federal funding of abortion. Then, please forward this message to everyone you know to help us build our grassroots coalition. Thank you.

Washington, DC: 655 15th St NW | Ste 410 | Washington, DC 20005

Chicago: 310 S Peoria Street | Ste 500 | Chicago, IL 60607

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