Monday, November 9, 2009


Watch me tonight at 6pm ET on CBS Evening News about the passing of the Stupak Amendment

Dear Londa,

Yesterday, while Americans United for Life Action was busy fighting for you in the final hours of the vote for the House health care bill, Planned Parenthood sent an urgent e-mail of desperation trying to rally pro-choice activists to help them fight the pro-life Stupak-Ellsworth-Pitts-Kaptur-Dahlkemper-Lipinski-Smith Amendment.

What they didn’t account for is that YOU have been an incredible champion for life over these past few months by vigorously contacting Congress through phone calls, e-mails, letters and district office visits. That teamwork led to a remarkable victory.

The pro-life Democrats and Republicans took a stand for the sanctity of life by passing the Stupak-Ellsworth-Pitts-Kaptur-Dahlkemper-Lipinski-Smith Amendment on a vote of 240 to 194. This amendment prohibits the use of federal dollars to fund abortion in health care.
This victory is a step toward a future where both
political parties defend Life.

But one victory does not mean the battle is won.

Yesterday’s rhetoric from the Democratic leadership indicates an intention to subvert the bipartisan pro-life majority. We are deeply concerned that Democratic leadership intends to undermine this victory that reflects the will of an overwhelming majority of Americans.

The battle will move quickly over to the Senate. We all have to take a deep breath and refocus our efforts toward watching the final language of the Senate bill to ensure that pro-life protections remain in the final health care bill.

While we applaud the passage of the Stupak-Pitts amendment, serious concerns about H.R. 3962 remain. The Rules Committee did not permit amendments to address concerns about conscience protection, the use of comparative effectiveness research and end of life provisions. (See our legal team’s analysis on the AUL blog.)

We must keep a watchful eye on Congress in the coming days and weeks to make sure the health care bill contains pro-life protections. Every moment that you took to wait on the line to talk to your Congressmen, write an e-mail or letter, you helped protect the sanctity of life.

Thank you for standing strong with us in showing Congress that Real Health Care Respects Life!

Charmaine Yoest

For Life,


Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO

P.S. Please help us continue fighting the rest of the health care reform fight in the U.S. Senate through supporting our efforts to protect and defend life by following this link to a secure donation page.

P.S.S. Please thank Members of Congress who stood with us in achieving a strong pro-life bipartisan victory. You can view the list of votes here.

Washington, DC: 655 15th St NW | Ste 410 | Washington, DC 20005

Chicago: 310 S Peoria Street | Ste 500 | Chicago, IL 60607


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