Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Both sides - On Gleen Beck on Fox News
LETTER TO THE EDITOR -- Glenn Beck resorts to fear-mongering
by Warren Reporter
Tuesday September 01, 2009, 10:32 AM
To The Editor:
It has come to my attention that The State Theatre has Glenn Beck engaged as a lecturer. I fear that allowing him on their stage would incite violence in their peaceful surroundings.
Glenn Beck has devolved into an all fear activist, hopping from one hot-button "fear this" specter to another with propaganda that would make many a fear-monger of the past blush.
Fear "death panels." Fear the Marxist in the closet. Fear "government." Fear the imagined civilian "security force" being built. Fear ACORN and SEIU, Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. He sees ACORNs everywhere, and imagines Marxists in every closet.
His favorite term for government advisers and department heads is "CZAR." and it's not an accident. He uses it to further fears that somehow, once again, the Commies are coming!
I am concerned that his rhetoric will bring out the "Crazies" in the community and God knows what might happen.
It is my hope that the theatre will rethink their programming and substitute a non-violent act for potential cause serious consequences.
Independence Township
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Posted by gemini522 on 09/01/09 at 11:36AM
To Janice Swack, How can anyone ignore what is going on in this country? If Glenn Beck seems a littler more zealous than your typical commentator so be it he is just pointing out areas that we as citizens of America should be concerned about. Much of what he exposes never gets into any form of the public press! Why is it being hidden through non-reporting? He information about teh political leanings of many of the "CZARS" that Obama has appointed show with solid proof that they are left wing radicals with a definite distaste for democracy and the USA. Get your head out of the sand and listen and read or are you a typical "blind" liberal that doesn't want to issues to be clouded by the facts!!!
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Posted by forefathers on 09/01/09 at 12:01PM
To Janice Swack, regarding Glenn Beck. Apparently you have not watched him on TV or listened to him on the radio. He speaks out against violence and using the Democratic system to protect our rights and to make changes within the government.
Regarding the "CZARS" it is the Obama administration that has named them NOT Glenn Beck- I personally find it appalling that the current administration is allowing individuals with questionable back grounds to be allowed to serve in our government.
Our government is corrupt - It is not a Republican or a Democratic thing- we need to clean out the tax cheats and hold the politicians accountable for there action and non-action. This country is being run into the ground and We The People have the right to speak out and against the poor decisions being made in Washington.
Keep America Free!
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Posted by camstoll on 09/01/09 at 12:08PM
For crying in the soup Janice!! Why shouldn't we be saying the "Commies are coming"? Because they have already been invited by NoBama to participate in the re-arrangement of the American Way!!!!~ Where ARE you? A dark tunnel? The responses from the folks who voted this evil force into his current employment capasity all say the same thing!!!! If you didn't vote for him it is because you are a racist!! Hello! I didn't vote for him because he was a different color!! I didn't vote for him because he is shadey, evasive, attempting to upturn the whole American way by taking more money from hard working people in an attempt to subsidize his "followers" who would rather "follow" than work for a living!!!!! I do not want to help anymore people than I already help!! By my own choice!!!! How dare I be told who I will help? Get a grip lady, smell the odor of the killing of what our forefathers gave their lives to build and protect. Democracy!!! Not Socialism!! What you see from Washington is just the beginning of his plan. he should be stopped now.
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Posted by barbara07 on 09/01/09 at 1:36PM
Janice I want to thank you for taking this action. Glenn Beck is building his career on misinformation and it is very/ very dangerous. Anyone with true intrest in the facts can investigate the truth- Glenn Beck does not do that he lies and twists facts and edits his media pieces to fit his agenda. One fact is all the Presidents had Czars- Bush had just as many as President Obama- know your facts. Beck is after Van Jones because he is the co- founder of the color of change/ which has issued a boycott of his sponsors. Most of the information given out on Mr Jones is incorrect or twisted/ do your home work -do not just create fear and division . Glenn Beck has a history of mental illness in his family - read his bio. He is loosing touch w/ reality every day.
The Obama Presidency has driven him crazy, Why should the White house or any other credible agency give him the time of day he is a loon.
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Posted by manny2066 on 09/01/09 at 2:20PM
Well Janice, instead of writing letter to the editor you should write to Robert Gibbs. I bet even Robert Gibbs can't explain because he knows Glenn is telling the truth. Even Glenn had challenged the white house for explanation but to date no news from them. I admire Glenn for his 'GUTS' to tell the American people what is going on with this administration.
Janice just ask yourself who said all this:-
1.The unemployment rate will never go up above 8% if we pass the stimulus package but now it's at 9.4%.
2.We will not probe the CIA but later went on with it.
3.If we send more troops to Afghanistan we will win the war but actually we are losing to the Taliban's.
4.46 million are uninsured.It's actually only 15 million or maybe less.
5.Let's move forward and not backward but keep hammering the previous administration.
So Janice, tell me, what happen to the 'change & hope'. I am still waiting !!!!!!!
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Posted by funrudy on 09/01/09 at 4:29PM
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