Saturday, August 8, 2009


Dear Londa, As members of Congress begin their recess, President Obama has made it clear that the first issue they’ll take up when they come back in September will be health care reform. For the Americans United for Life team, that means that a summer that was already busy (thanks to the President’s troubling nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court) now kicks into even higher gear with an all-out push to educate Americans on the White House’s health care reform agenda. We’ve created a new Web site featuring our legal team’s expert analysis on the health care reform plans currently in the House and Senate. Learn how these plans would mandate taxpayer-funded abortions, deprive medical providers of their rights of conscience, and possibly result in denial of care for the elderly and the disabled. There’s also a petition so that you can add your voice to the thousands urging the President to keep abortion out of health care. Please sign it and tell your friends, so we can show the Obama Administration that real health care respects life. Click this banner to visit the site: Real Health Care Respects Life If you’ve seen our, you know that, as a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised abortion advocates at a Planned Parenthood conference that the “first thing” he’d do as President was to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. Thankfully, you and the 700,000+ others who signed our “Fight FOCA” petition helped convince him that was a bad idea. But did you know that, at that same conference, Obama said that mandated abortion coverage would be at the “center and heart” of his health care reform? He did, and we’ve got the tape. Obama on Health Care You can see it’s proving to be a long, hot summer here in Washington -- especially when we’ve got to put the heat on the White House and Congress to do the right things. Thank you for joining me in protecting and defending life! For Life, Charmaine Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. President & CEO PW Support Button Chicago | 310 S Peoria Street, Ste 500 | Chicago, IL 60607 Washington DC | 655 15th St NW | Ste 410 | Washington, DC 20005 Unsubscribe Forward to a Friend View in Browser, or AUL Action's petition This is from AUL We all want to keep Abortion out of the Health Care It cost to much for the United States. Removal of God's blessing on us and the cost for murder is coming out of your taxes!!

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