Monday, February 2, 2009

Comedy In Washington

Comedy in Washington Jim Bramlett Feb 2, 2009 Comedy in Washington I don’t know whether we should laugh or cry about what is going on in Washington in the name of “change.” But I think we should keep our sense of humor and just laugh! Check these out: An admitted tax cheat, Timothy Geithner, was named to head the IRS, to set the example for all of us. Former Senator Tom Daschle, nominated to be Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services, also has tax evasion problems. A slick Clinton lawyer, Eric Holder, who got a felon pardoned, was named Attorney General, charged with enforcing the law. Due to severe cold, snow and ice, ex-VP Al Gore almost missed his testimony before Congress to warn about the dangers of global warming. (650 climatologists say the earth is cooling and not warming.) A man believed to be born a Muslim in Kenya, raised a Muslim in Indonesia, and a close associate of an unrepentant terrorist, is now President of the U.S. For his first TV interview, he chose a Muslim, terrorist-supporting TV network. This man is now charged with our security! The new President’s wife, over whom the media are slobbering, says America is a mean country and she has never been proud to be an American. Such an inspiration! That is in spite of America giving her an elitist education at Princeton, even after mediocre test scores. (Spell that d-i-s-c-r-i-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n.) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid insists that the U.S. income tax is voluntary! You won’t believe this, at And now for the funniest thing of all…. On January 29, 2009, ultra-partisan House Speaker Nancy Pelosi firmly announced that she is non-partisan! (You can roll in the floor laughing now.) Stay tuned. More fun coming!

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