Saturday, December 27, 2008

Two goat

Been doing a lot of studying on the two goats & the scarlet thread, The crucifixion, Hebrew or Jewish beliefs, & how the Old Testament & New Testament has inter-twianing meanings. The history of all of it. I also heard about the scapegoat. But, didn't know it came from the Old Covenvent from the pristhood or Yom Ha Kippor/Day of Atonement. Now the goats had to be identical in age, size, color, etc. The priest casted lots to see which goat would be burned on the alter & which goat would be the scapegoat. There was an gold engraved marker which read "For th e LORD" this goat was also marked with a long piece of scarlet thread around the right horn. Now this goat would die on the alter! The other goat was marked "Azazel" (they're not sure the meaning used in Leviticus 16:8-10) the scapegoat was also had a scarlet thread tied around its neck. The Priest then laid hands on this goat transferring the sin of Isreal on to the goat. The scapegoat was then lead out of the east gate of the temple & towards the wilderness, where the scapegoat would be pushed off the cliff & it died. As God did not want sin coming back into Jerusalem ! I will write more on this very soon. I hope you will enjoy the history. I sure do!! In CHRIST JESUS name. love, Rev. Londa Picard

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