Please copy and paste this message into an email to your senators and congress persons.
Then send this email everyone KNOW. If enough of us scold them on this issue maybe they will wake up to the fact that we are still here!You can find the proper people here: Copy and paste the message below in their message box, change it to suite yourself. Why are you there? Is this why we elected you to represent us, so the International Oil Cartel could continue to RAPE us? I do not think so, you need to either do your job of protecting the American public, yes that is US, or resign! STOP THEM FROM EXPORTING OUR OIL AND NATURAL GAS! I’M TIRED OF PAYING $3.30 A GALLON FOR GAS BECAUSE CONGRESS IS PROTECTING THESE CROOKS! Oh, sorry you didn’t know about this! Isn’t that a part of your job too? No one in the house or senate is innocent in this matter; you are all a part of the scam.Please understand that I did not capitalize house and senate due to a total lack of respect on my part for the lack of respect for the American public on your part. One of the forgotten 99% who DOES pay taxes!
Then send this email everyone KNOW. If enough of us scold them on this issue maybe they will wake up to the fact that we are still here!You can find the proper people here: Copy and paste the message below in their message box, change it to suite yourself. Why are you there? Is this why we elected you to represent us, so the International Oil Cartel could continue to RAPE us? I do not think so, you need to either do your job of protecting the American public, yes that is US, or resign! STOP THEM FROM EXPORTING OUR OIL AND NATURAL GAS! I’M TIRED OF PAYING $3.30 A GALLON FOR GAS BECAUSE CONGRESS IS PROTECTING THESE CROOKS! Oh, sorry you didn’t know about this! Isn’t that a part of your job too? No one in the house or senate is innocent in this matter; you are all a part of the scam.Please understand that I did not capitalize house and senate due to a total lack of respect on my part for the lack of respect for the American public on your part. One of the forgotten 99% who DOES pay taxes!